Businesses and workers can access all resources related to COVID-19 in one place at

The portal includes information on unemployment benefits, the Small Business Administration’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program, the Liquor Buyback Program, modified rules for trucking to help ship critical supplies into the state, the delay of BWC Premiums, etc. Additional information can be found on: COVID-19 Data Dashboard

Revised Gathering Order to take effect at 12:00 a.m. on 11-17-2020

Director’s Order for Retail and Business Compliance for Facial Coverings throughout the State of Ohio– 11-13-2020



“Restart Stark” business guidance and recommendations – Stark County Health Department


Full guidelines to ensure that these sectors operate in the safest manner possible are/will be available at

Manufacturing and Best Practices for COVID-19

NEWS RELEASES & INFORMATION (click on title to open)

Ohio BWC Upcoming Webinars

COVID-19 Update: New Zip Code, Flu Dashboards, $30 Million to Assist Ohio Health Departments   – 11-12-2020

Governor DeWine Calls on Ohioans to Recommit to Safety Practices, Announces New Mask, Social Distancing Orders – 11-11-2020

COVID-19 Update: Unprecedented Spike in Hospital Admissions – 11-9-2020

Record-Breaking Cases & Hospitalizations, Statewide High Incidence, New ODH Administrative Structure– 11-5-2020

Safety Update: Ohio BWC Library June 2020
Includes June Webinars and NIOSH/CDC News (6-2-2020)

TechCred Awards, Program Changes to Support COVID-19 Economic Recovery (5-28-2020)

COVID-19 Update: Testing, Assisted Living Visitation, Premium Deferrals, Fairs (5-28-2020)

COVID-19 Update: Congregate Care Unified Response Teams (5-26-2020)

Efforts to Improve Minority Health, New Sector Openings (5-26-2020)

Governor Announces New Health Orders Signed (5-22-2020)

Responsible RestartOhio Updates (ongoing)

COVID-19 Update: Face Coverings, Advisory Groups on Restaurants, Barbershops, and Salons (4-28-2020)

Governor Dewine Unveils Responsible RestartOhio Plan (4-27-2020)

Ohio BWC 2020 Dividend FAQ (pdf)

Trump Signs Coronavirus Bill Reviving Fund for Small-Business Loans (4-24-2020)

COVID-19 Update: Reagent and Testing Swabs, Contact Tracing, Foster Care (4-24-2020)

How Environmental Changes Impact Health Risk (4-23-2020)

Elective Surgery Order, Mental Health CareLine (4-22-2020)

FDA Reagent Approval, Testing Strike Team, Fair Wavier, JobsOhio Banking Partnership, Dividend Checks (4-21-2020)

Governor DeWine Discussed State’s Plan for Reopening Businesses, Regional Coalition Formed (4-16-2020)

President Trump has unveiled Guidelines for Opening Up America Again, a three-phased approach based on the advice of public health experts. These steps will help state and local officials when reopening their economies, getting people back to work, and continuing to protect American lives. (4-16-2020)

Deferred Elective Procedures, CARES Act Payments, 1099 Unemployment Claims, First Responder PPE, Testing Partnership, Prison Update, Census 2020 (4-15-2020)

Medicaid Waiver Application, First Responder Safety, Essential Job Openings (4-14-2020)

Nursing Home Order, Liquor Sales, TANF Funding, Rapid Testing, Prison Update (4-13-2020)

Eased Medicaid Restrictions, N95 Sterilization, Distillery-Made Hand Sanitizer, Food Trucks at Rest Areas, New Data Reporting (4-10-2020)

BWC Board approves $1.6 billion dividend for Ohio employers (4-10-2020)

COVID-19 Update: PPE Manufacturing, Convalescent Plasma (4-9-2020)

COVID-19 Update: Continue Staying Home, Correction Officer Death, PPE Sterilization, Child Abuse Reports, Proposed $1.6 Million Dividend for Employers (4-8-2020)

Governor DeWine, Lt. Governor Husted Create Ohio Office of Small Business Relief (4-7-2020)

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Lt. Governor Jon Husted today announced the creation of the Office of Small Business Relief within the Ohio Development Services Agency. The Office will coordinate state efforts to identify and provide direct support for Ohio’s nearly 950,000 small businesses. [READ MORE]

COVID-19 Update: Sites Selected for Enhanced Hospital Capacity (4-7-2020)

Because Ohio must double its hospital capacity due to the oncoming COVID-19 surge, Ohio has developed a plan to expand healthcare services at alternative sites in addition to the traditional medical care facilities. [READ MORE]

Ohioans Encouraged to Wear Cloth Masks in Public; Governor Signs TeleHealth Executive Order; New Wi-Fi Hotspot Locator (4-4-2020)

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, Lt. Governor Jon Husted, and Dr. Amy Acton, MD, MPH, today urged Ohioans to begin wearing cloth masks while in public, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). [READ MORE]

Testing Supplies; PPE Sanitizing; Inmate Release Recommendation; Remote Learning Guide (4-3-2020)

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, Lt. Governor Jon Husted, and Dr. Amy Acton, MD, MPH, today provided an update on the status of Ohio’s response to COVID-19. [READ MORE]

COVID-19: Best Practices (safety poster) (4-3-2020)

Ohio Stay at Home Order Extended Through May 1 (4-2-2020)

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced today that Ohio’s Stay at Home order has been extended until 11:59 p.m. on May 1, 2020. [READ MORE]

Personal Protective Equipment Needed (3-24-2020)

The state of Ohio is asking residents and businesses who can donate PPE, or any other essential service or resource, to email

URGENT REQUEST: PPE for CommQuest, Aultman and Mercy Medical Center

Severe Blood Shortage: Donors Urgently Needed. Please give now.

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